Some New Friends

As I was walking back from the public transportation here in Manila, I came across a side street where people live.  I ventured up the street, camera in hand, and was soon surrounded by all these children.  They all wanted me to take their pictures.  I made a lot of friends, and I’ll go back to see them again.

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This is the sweetest!

John Adam

“Let the children come to me, don’t stop them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” – Mat. 19:14 (CJB)

George Kraemer

The range of stances, emotions, gestures and facial characteristics in this picture captures the innocence and joy of children around the world. Would that we could retain that innocence throughout our lives. Nice one Skip.

Richard Gambino

My wife and I have traveled extensively in Central America and Mexico. One of the joys is to always carry an Instamatic Polaroid (in that day) camera as a second camera and give a photo to the one that is posing for us. They are a little pricier today but if only offered at special times those photos given can illicit a joyful response!
One time though, I did take it out and gave a photo to a child at a large school event we chanced upon…we were immediately swarmed by parents with their children demanding we take their photo and give it to them. It almost became uncomfortable at their insistence.


Oh so cute and all wearing flip-flops.


Those eyes!!


Nice picture..